"Be in the moment, make surrendering to being in the moment your constant practice until it is like breathing."
I love my twin flame journey! Not because it is easy or because I am in union with my twin, because it is not easy and I am not in union with my twin.
I love this journey because of the lessons and the healing. The fact that I am able to access the wisest parts of myself and put it into practice because of all the pain and past I am shedding on this journey!
I love that I am always getting deeper soul healing and shifts which make me clearer on who I am at my core.
I love that I love myself deeper everyday! And that too is hard! It is hard to set new, healthy boundaries of self respect and self love and to retrain myself to stand up for myself, always!
I love that I lose my ego a little bit more through every "dark night" I face.
I love it when my perspective shifts and I am able to experience deeper love and deeper peace inside my soul, because I fight so hard with my ego to let go of suffering until it does!
It is in the resistance to what is that we suffer.
Our ego loves to attach to an outcome. It likes to control how we reach that outcome. It likes to rationalise everything and it likes to "guard" our hearts from being hurt.
Our heart feels things so deeply with love and trust. It only knows love. It only knows how to be compassionate and not take things personally and it only knows how to have faith and not make assumptions.
Our ego creates worst case scenarios and it lives in the past and the future. It lets go of nothing and controls everything.
Our soul is infinitely patient. It trusts its process completely. It loves so much that it doesn't suffer. It accepts everything as being for higher good. No regrets, no mistakes, just acceptance of what is. Trust, faith, patients.
Time is a concept which the ego identifies with. Patients doesn't belong to the ego. The twin flame journey is not about the how. It is about letting go of the how. Complete and total surrender, constant surrender. Let go of the how, let go of the suffering. Be present in the moment and love it for all that it is.
Timing kills our buzz, along with attachment to outcome. We want to be in union with our twin and we want that fast. We do all the work to be in union. We do the work for them? NO! We must do the work for us!
The timing is not important! So learn to just go with the flow and live your life with absolute and complete divine guidance. Let go of the how!!
So what if it takes ten years to be in union or fifty years? Time is just a number. If when you get to union you are so free inside of yourself and totally engulfed in source energy and all that you emit is love and you are one of the brightest lights to the world, that is worth it surely? Not the union? The union is the icing on the cake?! Yes?!
It really is all about love. Pure unconditional love. The only way that we can truly access this is by releasing all of our old paradigms around love. We need to release all parts of ourselves which are needy and small and anything less than pure all encompassing source energy love.
We are all love at our core. We are all perfect beings of light. We are all so magnificent. We don't need to have needs fulfilled by our twins. We need to release beliefs that we are unlovable or unwanted or that we are never going to be loved. No matter what template this life gave you, it can be changed!!
It is only a small ego that attaches to wanting to be loved or wanted in a specific way by another. Your heart needs to be pure and the Universe with provide you with this love from within. Ask for this so that you can stop suffering and believing that it needs to come from an outside source. Ask for the Universe to show you that you are not separate from love and that it is your source and that this source is infinite. And that this infinite source is within you and it overflows from you and touches every being on this planet!
You are a twin flame. You are a being of infinite love and light. You are here to heal the world by laying new templates and breaking through barriers that keep humanity small and stuck in a lower consciousness.
Free yourself! Challenge your ego and don't stop until you break through.
You can love your twin and not be with them in 3D. You can love yourself so much that you can let go of absolutely EVERYTHING that causes you suffering!! You just have to be willing to look within to find the source. Nothing comes from outside of us.
We only react to wounds that are already within us. Our twins have given us the biggest gifts in the world by being the catalysts to the deepest healing imaginable within ourselves. They only point the way to our healing. It is not personal ever. Their dysfunction is only there to trigger our deepest healing and vice versa. No other relationship on the planet can do this like twin flames. We are here to raise above the ego.
We suffer because we are stuck in our ego. We blame because we are not taking responsibility. Ask for divine help and guidance. We have not been thrown into this journey alone. We have divine support, we just need to ask and a way will be shown to us to heal.
Let go of the how and trust the process that the divine gives to you. Let go of your ideals of perfection. Embrace the pain, honor the pain, accept the pain if that is how it is shown. Just trust your journey and love yourself.
Sending all infinite love and peace in your soul!
Twin Flame Healing
**To Book an Energy Healing Session or Twin Flame Self Mastery Coaching session please email me @ twinflamehealing11@gmail.com
or find me on facebook and instagram @ twinflamehealing1111
Sending all infinite love and peace in your soul!
Twin Flame Healing
**To Book an Energy Healing Session or Twin Flame Self Mastery Coaching session please email me @ twinflamehealing11@gmail.com
or find me on facebook and instagram @ twinflamehealing1111
Yes. We attach a lot of importance to time. But that doesnt help. When i look back, it took me 30 years and my twin 35 years in this lifetime to meet. Theyre such big numbers but since we didnt know we would meet the time never felt that long. In the same way i feel best way to survive and thrive as a tf is to forget about time. Trying to quantify time is one of the ways our ego works. It instills fear. And where there is fear,there cannot be love. Thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, I am happy that it helped you. The way I survive this journey is surrender, surrender, surrender and when I resist, I surrender some more. LOL
DeleteI read such a great quote the other day that said
"The ego is impatient because it knows its time is limited. The soul is patient because it knows it is eternal." xxxxx