"Follow your soul, it knows the way"
It seems that there are a lot of twin flame chasers and waiters who are confused about how they should be handling the separation phase.
I have been asked by a few if it is ok to be in another relationship during separation.
I believe that it is something that only you can answer, as to whether or not it is the right thing to get involved with someone else.
I believe that there is no such thing as a mistake in this life. Absolutely everything happens for a reason!!
Depending on where you are on your twin flame journey and most importantly on the journey with yourself, this is what will determine the answer.
Some of you might feel really comfortable with the idea of getting involved with someone other than your twin flame and if you are comfortable with it, and it feels right, then trust your intuition and make a decision based on your own guidance.
Some twin flames still have karmic soul contracts which need to be fulfilled before they reach union with their twin. These soul contracts are there to teach us and prepare us for our twin. So again, I think this is a decision that each individual needs to make for them self.
The twin flame journey doesn't come with a one size fits all manual. As much as we have in common with our experiences, this does not dictate that we all should be handling things the same way.
We each have a very unique path to healing and only your own soul knows the way!!
Twin flames are here to raise their frequency to one of pure unconditional love and how they get there is not a clear cut path.
Other twins feel guilty towards their twin at the thought of being with someone else. Some feel like they are not acting from a space of integrity towards someone who they get involved with because they only have their twin in their heart.
Some have a very "handy" ego switch which allows them to switch off from their twin and just live life as if their twin doesn't even exist. (I do believe that the Universe does give them constant subtle reminders, but they choose to look in the other direction until they are willing to start healing.)
There are so many different scenarios! So it really does boil down to you knowing yourself. Can you live with it? Does it feel right? Is it exciting and a soul calling to someone else? Do you feel a karmic connection that you want to explore?
As much as you and your twin share a soul, you are by no means bound to them for the rest of your life in this 3D reality. You are not compelled to live a half hearted life if you feel that you and your twin are not making progress to union, and you are not sure that union is what you are wanting. You always have a choice in how you want to live your life.
I do want to make special note though of a couple of things which I think should be considered:
1) Having sex with someone gives you energetic ties to them, called cords. This is by no means something to take lightly. You are energetically connected to this person and you feed each other energy, which can come and usually does come with a huge amount of baggage. Unless you are someone who knows how to cut cords, (but then if you are, you will be conscious of the sacred act of sex and know that it is not just a physical means to an end but a very powerful spiritual practice and that you are giving a part of yourself to another and vice versa) I would seriously think twice before just sleeping with someone, because there are spiritual repercussions that need to be considered. The twin flame journey is one of self love and self respect, so make sure that you are aligned with your higher good when making the decision to take on a sexual partner.
2) Are you acting from a space of integrity if you choose to pursue a relationship with someone other than your twin? Can you honestly say that you will love someone else with all the love that they deserve without compromising them or yourself in any way shape or form? Are you using someone to get back at your twin or have you genuinely fallen in love with someone who loves, values and appreciates you for all that you are? Be very honest with yourself because remember the twin flame journey is about getting rid of karma not wracking up a new bill!
Personally I see this journey as one of deep healing and self love. I see every opportunity to grow and shift and release old belief patterns and karma and I embrace that fully.
Dissolving ego completely and being in union with source and therefore myself is the most important thing and my ultimate goal, so this is what I align with.
I am beyond grateful that I am ascending to a 5D paradigm. Self mastery, soul healing, ultimate freedom from within. This is my trophy. Meeting my twin flame is bringing me to this, and I could not be where I am on my spiritual journey without having met him.
I am learning to trust this process every single step of the way. The good, the bad and the ugly. However it shows up, I embrace it.
I am not going to purposefully go looking for someone in my life, but I believe that if source wants me to be in a relationship with someone other than my twin, then source will put this person in my path, it will fall into my lap so to speak and then I will not resist it, I will go with the flow.
So all in all I say follow your soul not your ego and you can't go wrong. BUT even if you do follow your ego there will be a lesson from it, because there are no such things as mistakes!
You can check out my short video on the above topic elaborated if you like.
You can check out my short video on the above topic elaborated if you like.
Be happy, be self empowered, be aligned with your higher good always. Live your truth, be authentic and never compromise your soul. Trust your intuition and love yourself truly and deeply!
Twin Flame Healing
PS: For twin flame and self mastery coaching and or energy healing please email twinflamehealing11@gmail.com or find me on facebook and instagram @ twinflamehealing1111
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