Tuesday, 25 July 2017


"Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of yourself."

There are absolutely no mistakes in this world. 

EVERYTHING happens for a good reason and for your higher good. 

We grow and learn through adversity, and your twin flame is your biggest and best teacher that you will ever encounter in this life.

In order for twin flames to be in union, they have to shed their ego, and in shedding their ego they will be listening to their soul, and will be fully healing their soul and in healing their soul and shedding ego, they will be attaining the true and divine unconditional love which brings the twins into union.

This is by no means an easy task when it is not understood properly. 

When our twin does something and we have an ego reaction, ie: we feel hurt, offended, upset, angry, sad, rejected, abandoned... whatever our reaction is, it is because we have not healed a part of ourselves and our twin is very perfectly directing us to our healing. 

This is called a trigger. We are triggered when we are not grounded in our truth and are therefore in our ego.

A trigger has NOTHING to do with your twin and EVERYTHING to do with you.

Your twin only loves you, and your twin has not accumulated negative karma with you. What pain you feel is from elsewhere and that root needs to be uplifted not pushed onto your twin to make them responsible.

Blaming your twin for your pain is counter productive and all it will do is keep you in separation for longer. Your twin is there to help you heal yourself, not to do the job for you. They point you in the direction of your healing over and over again.

A trigger from your twin, is seriously the biggest blessing you can get, because each trigger that is dealt with and healed is a step closer to your inner freedom. 

To blame your twin for your past, will only push them further away from you and close them up, because they are here to first and foremost to be the catalyst to heal you and you are of course here to do the same for them.

My twin has had such a deep way of so easily and gently uprooting my deepest pain and cleansing these old wounds so that I can be whole and healed. 

I have come to embrace the lessons, healing and release from the triggers because it lets go of suffering for me and takes me one step further away from my ego and one step closer to self mastery. 

I am always amazed at how easily I have been triggered by my twin, when he really and truly does pretty much nothing. 

But something will go down and the next thing I am sucked down a wormhole of my past where I can see where the pain I am feeling was birthed, it is truly mind blowing!

You are not a victim when you are triggered and your twin is not responsible for the pain of your past.

Respect your twin enough to not make them your punching bag and appreciate them for the way they so innocently can trigger such deep pain to be released from you if you only allow it to.

The triggers are ONLY for your good! Be grateful that you have somebody who loves you so much that they have agreed to trigger healing to every part of your being!

What a blessing and a gift! 

Wishing you nothing but strength, clarity and endless love on your journey!

Twin Flame Healing

P.S: Please contact me at twinflamehealing11@gmail.com for self mastery coaching or energy healing sessions via skype @ $44 per hour

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