Sunday, 19 November 2017


"Everything is always happening for your higher good, exactly as it is happening...Let go and trust that!"

I adopted a mantra years ago which is the ultimate reminder of surrender..."It is what it is."

Those five words helped me to let go of resisting what my reality was or what my reality is. As the years have passed, its meaning in my life has gotten deeper and deeper as I have grown.

In the last year I have adopted a new mantra, "There is no such thing as a mistake."

These 8 words reinforce that everything happens for a reason and perfectly as it is meant to. No regrets over the past and no doubt over being part of a divine plan.

Learning to trust your process on the twin flame journey or any part of your journey in life gives you heaps of peace, because you trust and have faith in absolutely EVERYTHING that is happening, which is a very powerful energy shift.

You stop questioning and resisting and you rather put your energy into accepting and being.

The only thing that we can control in this life is ourselves. We can't control another person or any external circumstances so if we can master ourselves anything external no longer effects us unless we give it the power to do so.

How we choose to feed ourselves energetically is our choice. We can change anything inside ourselves with a perspective shift.

Twin flame connections do teach us very deep soul lessons in a very amplified unique way if we just go with the flow....Don't resist the reality of what it is, no matter what it is.

You have to remember that your twin flame is their own person and has free will. You have to respect their journey and choices.

When we put all of our trust and faith into a higher power with the knowing that everything is ok and happening for our higher good and as it is meant to be happening we take an enormous burden off of ourselves.

Trust and faith shifts your perspective from being a victim of circumstance, to being a divinely supported and guided soul. 

Trust and faith opens us to our lessons rather than trying to control and manipulate external circumstances, which are beyond our control.

Everything is happening for us, always!

I know how tough this journey can be, but the struggle is in yourself. There is no fight with your twin flame or with your circumstance. We create the struggle inside of ourselves the moment we choose to resist our reality and want something different to what is.

You don't need to smile or laugh or be happy in your acceptance. You can grieve and cry for your pain of a different reality to what you had hoped for, but just accept things as they are. I believe that grieving for yourself is really important and of the most therapeutic tears you will ever cry.

When you are over your pain you will feel more free, because you will have chosen honesty with yourself over believing something to be different from what it is. 

The universe really does always have our backs. We might not always be able to see that clearly in the thick of suffering, but in truth everything is happening for our higher good. We need to have our lessons to grow and for some reason we grow more through pain than any other way. 

I have found that the deeper I have learned to trust and have faith the lessons have come faster and the pain has become less and less. 

When I look back on my life now I can see how I had to learn things the way I did and I can see how I have always been the reason for my own suffering in that I had always been unable to accept my reality as it is, resisting and wanting something different. 

We will keep repeating the same situations and pains in life until we learn the lessons. Once I started getting the lessons my reality started to shift along with my perspective and of course a huge detachment from a massive amount of suffering. It gave me more freedom from within.

It takes practice to get to the ultimate trust and faith, but you have to commit to creating the awareness inside yourself and taking the new action to retrain yourself to shift your perspective and get freedom from suffering... but it is so worth it.

Learn to trust your process and go with the flow...

Sending all infinite love
Twin Flame Healing

If you would like to contact me you can find me on instagram, facebook or youtube @ twinflamehealing1111 or 
email me:

Wednesday, 8 November 2017


"Pain is inevitable in this life, but suffering is a choice." - Buddha

The twin flame journey can be really painful when we are resisting the reality of what it is for us. There is no part of this journey that is not happening for our higher good and pointing us to freedom. Sometimes we just have to change the way we are looking at it.

I believe that any suffering is because we need to look at ourselves and see what inside of ourselves is holding us back from feeling absolutely wonderful and blessed in this life and on this journey.

In this short 6 minute video I explain how I have overcome the pain and draw to the other and how all the answers to freedom are within.

Sending all infinite love, joy and peace

Twin Flame Healing

Monday, 16 October 2017


" Our ego attaches to labels and then takes our focus from truth to illusion."

Short 7 minute video on letting go of the labels attached to the person you call your twin flame and then focus on what the connection and experience is trying to teach you. 

A twin flame experience is about healing, raising your vibration and healing the planet. It is so much more than a romantic connection. 

People get to easily lost in the idea of someone sharing your soul blueprint and then get obsessed with the idea that you belong together. This causes you so much suffering.

Let go of the labels and focus on the purpose of the the connection, your spiritual awakening!

Sending all endless love and light
Twin Flame Healing

PS: Please email or DM if you would like to book and energy healing or self mastery coaching session.
Facebook, Instagram and Youtube: twinflamehealing1111

Thursday, 12 October 2017


" In having a twin flame experience, the gift of the deepest possible healing is activated in your being."

It seems that most are thrown into the twin flame experience with absolutely not clue what has hit them and with zero idea how to deal with it.

First off I want to say, well done to every last one of you for choosing this amazing gift of healing for yourself, and that now is the time to manifest your soul healing!

The best tip that I can give to people to begin their healing process, is don't resist it! The more you resist the longer it is going to take you to find peace in your soul.

If you are open to the healing, the how will automatically open up to you. Ask your angels to assist you, they will not help you unless you ask because of free will, so be sure to ask them.

You can't heal if you think that you are already healed. You can't heal if you don't think that there is anything that you need to heal because it is in the past and behind you. I have noticed that nearly all people going through the twin flame experience have had really hard lives, starting in childhood and moving on through your adult life. These traumas don't just disappear because we want to think that they have. 

So you have to be open to healing in order to heal. And you have to be prepared to visit every single shadow that you are trying to hide from. 

In order to get the most out of this you will need to be 100% honest with yourself. You will need to tune into yourself and get to know yourself on every level of your being and love who you find there. Deep self awareness is needed for healing along with infinite self love.

If you are someone who believes that you are healed then a good gauge for you to measure is the following:

1) Are you in union with your divine counterpart?
2) Are you living your soul purpose?
3) Is your manifested life one of abundance on every level?
4) Are you in top physical, mental and emotional health?
5) Are all your relationships deeply fulfilling?

If you have answered no to any of the above, then I can guarantee you that you are not completely healed, (besides which, I personally believe that healing is an eternal ongoing process and we only meet ourselves at deeper and deeper levels, our ego wants to attach to the idea that we are perfectly healed or that we have to get to be a certain way. Truth is that there is no destination only the journey and the journey is an ongoing process.) 

Now back to the healing.....  

We are programmed to think that we should only feel "positive" emotions and all "negative" emotions are bad and therefore we must avoid feeling them. So we suppress them. We push them down as far as we can and think that we are being strong.

The truth is that emotions are the language of the soul. ALL EMOTIONS!!! So when we are feeling something, it is because our soul is trying to send us a message. We need to learn to listen for the message.

The best way to release these past hurts and traumas from our being is to give them the respect and acknowledgment that they deserve. 

So when you feel anxious for expample, ask your soul for the lesson in the anxiety. Don't suppress the anxiety, allow it to be without resistance. Be kind to it and love it and then see how it transforms into something else.

Do the same for all emotions and all memories. They all deserve to be acknowledged, it is in the acknowledging that you are healing and releasing. You are holding space for yourself.

When you give them space to be, you give them the permission to be released and to leave you.

It takes practice to master this and it is an ongoing art to master, but when you practice compassion and love for yourself you will begin to move mountains!

The better you get at it, the faster the releasing will happen. You will find more and more stuff will surface. The more you release and the more you work in conjunction with your angels and guides the more your intuition will strengthen and the more your psychic gifts will develop. 

I had been on a healing journey for more than 17 years when I was exposed to my TF experience, so I experienced accelerated healing after my awakening was activated. 

Accelerated healing comes with a lot of purging and releasing. It felt like non stop emotional cleansing but I used the above method of allowing it all the space it needed to surface and release. I went through my entire life story at deeper and deeper levels through this process and with each release I was given deeper understanding.

So don't be afraid to visit your past, because you are going to have to face everything that you have been through in order to be free. 

I would like to make a special note: From my experience certain emotions are mask emotions, anger is always a mask for sadness, anxiety is an indication of an overflow of emotions not being looked at, irritation is an indication that you are not paying yourself the attention that you need.

I would love to hear from you in the comments, so please feel free to ask questions and also if you have any topics that you would like me to cover in future blogs just pop it in the comments!

Sending all infinite love and light
Twin Flame Healing

PS: If you would like to book an energy healing session and a TF soul healing and self mastery coaching session please email or DM me.
Facebook & Instagram: twinflamehealing1111

Monday, 9 October 2017


This is a short 8 minute video of some tips on how to shift your focus from your twin flame onto yourself.

Sending all endless love and light,
Twin flame healing

PS: Please email or DM me through facebook or instagram to book an energy healing session and a TF soul healing and self mastery coaching session.
FB & Instagram: twinflamehealing1111

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


" A false twin flame experience is to prepare you for your true twin flame."

The universe awoke me to the twin flame side of life last year, end October 2016, when I met my twin flame.

The experience shook me to my very core, it was energetically so intense. We ticked every single box of signs of meeting your twin flame. My life made so much sense after meeting him. 

He completely acknowledged our connection and at one point even suggested that he wondered if we should get married. He learned about twin flames at the same time as I did. He wanted to see me as often as he could, we messaged each other all day everyday from morning to night.

We both felt like we were finally home.

After two weeks my fear levels started to kick in big time and then something shifted in him and I could feel that he was not wanting a me in his life anymore.

We cut communication with each other after 3 weeks of meeting. I tried to contact him again twice but he was not interested in our connection anymore.

Me being me, I embraced the healing with all of my heart and soul. I was thrown onto the accelerated ascension roller coaster and my goodness gracious me did I shed and purge and release. 

Everyday that I shed my past and my pain he was with me energetically. He was in my mind from morning to night and my soul never ever stopped missing him and the beautiful introduction we had to each other. 

Every single part of my being said that this man is all wrong for me. He was nothing that I was looking for in a partner because he dismissed me and pushed me aside like I never existed with absolutely no explanation whatsoever. 

Every single day I tried to fight him out of my head. I fought him non stop all day every day, because he felt like the opposite to what love should feel like to me.

I could not see how this was the love of my life. He wanted nothing to do with me.  

I read everything I could to understand the journey and what I was going through. My accelerated healing process continued. 

I read a lot about how we only have one twin flame and that you are one soul split into two and that you can never separate energetically. This explained why I could not get him out of my mind and why I never stopped missing him.

This was a lovely romantic notion to me, but I could not understand why my twin wanted nothing to do with me, when we shared this phenomenal bond. And he had acknowledged it and felt it too. This confused the crap out of me. 

Anyway a few months down the line we saw each other again. I wanted to talk about the experience, and he didn't want to talk about it at all, he landed up giving me quite a tongue lashing and telling me how I don't feature in his life at all and that he doesn't want me in his life. 

It hurt from the perspective of the ultimate rejection is not being loved and wanted by your twin flame. But I could see that him not wanting me was a blessing because he was not the kind of man I was looking for. He treated me really badly and I deserved so much better. 

We parted ways again....

He was still ALWAYS in my head from morning to night and my soul still missed him constantly, craving that initial bond....

Again, this confused the crap out of me because I didn't like who he was to me and I didn't want to be in a relationship with him and he very clearly didn't feel anything for me and didn't want me in his life.

One part of me wanted to run towards this man with all of me because he was my twin flame and our connection was so rare and beautiful and my soul loved him so much, it never wanted to be away from him. My soul wanted to relive the initial meeting again and again. 

The other part of me never stopped fighting the connection because it felt so wrong. He didn't want me in his life and I hated the way he treated me. How could I be in love with someone like this?

After a few months I decided to pursue him, to love him regardless of him not loving me...I was drawn to him for a reason and I needed to obey this soul pull and see where it would take me.

I committed to loving him and I stopped "running".

We sort of became close, but I had to instigate all of the contact, he would very, very seldom contact me first. But it felt like progress in the right direction according to twin flame teachings out there. 

He said he loved me too and we shared some lovely moments.

I was still healing and shedding but in me I could still feel that he didn't want me in his life like I wanted him. 

So the Universe decided to give me a little bit of a wake up call...

My twin and I slept together for the first time, and he decided that he just wouldn't contact me after...then my period was late for the first time in my life, other than being pregnant. 

I can not begin to tell you how freaked out I was, I could think of nothing worse than having a baby with a man who wanted nothing to do with me. 

I had to contact him to let him know, to which he was cold as stone to me and never once showed any empathy towards me or remorse for treating me so badly and disrespectfully.

18 days late and my period arrived! Relief! 

Still I have this guy in my head 24/7 and my soul is still missing him endlessly. 

Seriously WTF!!!???

Again, I fought and fought and fought with him in my head to just get away from me and leave me alone.

I was then guided to research about false twin flames. And my goodness this experience ticked those boxes big time! We had an exact twin flame experience, but he did not reciprocate the love. 

This is not a normal karmic or soul mate connection because you have the whole twin flame experience! This is the mind fuck of it all. You really do think that this person is your twin flame, the other half of your soul. 

The only difference is that the love is not fed both ways. They will keep you on a string and lead you to believe through their words that they do love you and that the connection is real to them too, but they will have zero actions to follow up these words.

They will be emotionally unavailable, they will make excuses not to see you. You will always be feeling like you are not good enough. It will feel like you have to play games to not piss them off or offend them. You are always on edge that they will run again.

I cut cords like there was no tomorrow. ( I had not tried to cut cords before because I had read that it was impossible and had believed this whole time that he was my twin flame.)

The cords would not disconnect and the pull towards him felt stronger than ever. He was in my mind as much as when we had met and my soul still missed his so much. I craved connecting with him like we had when we first met.

I was beyond exhausted from fighting him inside me, I had fought him constantly and I figured that this man must then be my true twin and there is nothing that I can do to disconnect from him...I surrendered....

I completely and fully surrendered, all fight and resistance in me totally disappeared, I gave it to the Universe...

I loved him and he was going nowhere...

I even surrendered to the fact that he will never want me or love me, I cried a lot in this surrender, but I was done with fighting. The Universe wanted it this way and I was just going to go with the flow.

I told him of my pain that I am eternally attached to a being who does not love me or want me and that it seems so cruel of the Universe to do this....he said that he can feel my pain and he then implied that I can disconnect from him...This was like permission for me....all pain and tears stopped immediately and I again did cord cutting....

I had to do it a few times, because the energetic cords and connection was plentiful, but I could feel them leave me.

For the first time since we had met my soul no longer missed him and he was no longer consuming my head.

He has not left me completely, but I feel so different now. I don't miss him anymore and I don't have any draw to contact him. I feel like I am my own person again. I no longer feel like I am connected to someone who doesn't want me. 

The experience of meeting him gave me awakening and opened up ascension to me. It taught me that I am capable of loving someone unconditionally. It taught me about self love at the deepest level. It opened up the whole world of twin flames to me and directed me to deeper healing.

I still love him and I always will. But I am no longer stuck in what felt like an obsession with the wrong guy. I feel free and I feel like me again. 

Sending all tons of love
Twin Flame Healing

P.S: To book an energy healing session with me or to book a session to discuss your situation please email or find me on facebook and instragram twinflamehealing1111

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


"Healing is not a place you reach, it is an ongoing process of deeper discovery into yourself."

I had a question a couple of weeks ago, "how do I know if I am healing?" I have essentially made a list of signs of healing, it is by no means complete, but I think it gives a pretty good indication if you are on the right track. So here is my understanding of healing....

My experience of healing is that it is a lifelong process, where you meet yourself on deeper and deeper levels. Always gaining more and more freedom from within as the layers keep getting stripped off. I have been on a committed healing journey for more than 18 years and I am still going strong.

We have lifetimes to shed and multi verses to discover, it is not a rush or a destination. 

Being exposed to the twin flame journey means that healing can be massively accelerated but by no means does it mean that you are meant to reach a specific destination which makes you think that you are completely healed.

Part of healing is knowing that we are not meant to be getting somewhere and be perfect. It is knowing that we are perfectly imperfect and every moment of our life is new learning and that is the journey.

Healing is the journey from your head to your heart. Realizing that you have a soul that needs nurturing and healing above all else.

Taking full responsibility for yourself and your happiness and shifting all blame from others and forgiving, that is a really big step in the direction of healing.

No matter how severe the action was against you, forgive the perpetrator, because holding onto bitterness, fear, anger etc only poisons you. It continues to give the other power over you and you feed them energy with those emotions. 

Learning to identify your ego, and I mean all of it, that is another huge indicator that you are making progress. 

Our ego is the most slippery thing that comes in all guises, including the self sacrificial saint. Learn to know all its guises.

You are open to learning always, realizing that there is always more to learn.

You become aware of all of you, the good the bad and the ugly, and the extremely beautiful and magical too. You embrace all of it.

You own your dark, but you live your light. You do your shadow work and learn to cast your light on all the dark spaces of your being to heal them and love them.

You stop judging yourself and others. You no longer pity yourself or others, you understand that that pity slows down growth and healing and keeps you or others a victim. Yes, you shift out of victim mentality.

You know your strengths and your weakness and own both, losing any need to be defensive, because you know the truth and the truth never offends you.

You lose your need to be competitive, because you embrace your individuality and the unique individuality of others. You only want to be a better version of yourself for yourself.

You start loving yourself on deeper and deeper levels and putting that love into action, by setting healthy boundaries, being kind to yourself, doing things that make you happy, releasing yourself from all suffering and living your worth. Accepting yourself fully. 

You accept others fully without any need to change them or control them.

You drop your masks and live from a space of authenticity.

You live with a open heart and a space of vulnerability. Your courage comes from a space of honesty, doing the right thing no matter how scary it may seem.

You have no resistance to where the healing process takes you. You are willing to relive pain from the past until it becomes just a memory with no resistance attached.

You attract healthy, happy, loving relationships to yourself, because you are able to receive love as well as give it. The people in your life love and appreciate you.

Because you know your own worth at the deepest level of your being you want to take care of yourself on all levels, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

You live and attract abundance to yourself on all levels.

You are filled with gratitude for all that you have and all that you are and have endless appreciation for everything that you are in contact with. 

You have endless compassion for yourself and the more compassion and kindness that you have for yourself the more you have for others.

You feel a deep appreciation and love for the planet and all that dwell on it.

You feel a deep connection to source and to all beings.

You connect with your intuition and higher self and live a divinely guided life.

You are always honest with yourself, so you don't hide or suppress emotions. You know that being positive all the time is not real. You are real and understand that life is an ebb and flow and therefore all of your emotions have space to be and expressed and released. 

You surrender to everything, you stop trying to control the outcomes of everything in your life, you let go of worry and learn to flow.

You listen to your souls calling and do the things it calls you to do, so that you can live your purpose.

And so the list goes on and on and on.... it is a process that never stops. The more you learn the less you know, you just keep becoming lighter and lighter as you go deeper and deeper into the journey. 

By no means should anyone feel like they are not healing if they are not ticking all of the boxes, just ticking one box shows that you are on your healing path.

I hope that this has answered your question and helped you.

Wishing all endless healing and love

Twin Flame Healing

PS: I am doing a two for the price of one for the next week, so an energy healing session and a coaching session for the price of one session. For cost and to book email me:
or find me on facebook or instagram and DM me:

Monday, 18 September 2017


12 minute video on how I have got to a place of surrender.

Please feel free to ask questions or share how you got to surrender in the comments or 
or find me on facebook and instagram
@ twinflamehealing1111

**To book an energy healing session or coaching with me you can contact me directly through the above media.

Sending all abundant love
Twin Flame Healing

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


"Be in the moment, make surrendering to being in the moment your constant practice until it is like breathing."

I love my twin flame journey! Not because it is easy or because I am in union with my twin, because it is not easy and I am not in union with my twin. 

I love this journey because of the lessons and the healing. The fact that I am able to access the wisest parts of myself and put it into practice because of all the pain and past I am shedding on this journey!

I love that I am always getting deeper soul healing and shifts which make me clearer on who I am at my core.

I love that I love myself deeper everyday! And that too is hard! It is hard to set new, healthy boundaries of self respect and self love and to retrain myself to stand up for myself, always!

I love that I lose my ego a little bit more through every "dark night" I face.

I love it when my perspective shifts and I am able to experience deeper love and deeper peace inside my soul, because I fight so hard with my ego to let go of suffering until it does!

It is in the resistance to what is that we suffer. 

Our ego loves to attach to an outcome. It likes to control how we reach that outcome. It likes to rationalise everything and it likes to "guard" our hearts from being hurt. 

Our heart feels things so deeply with love and trust. It only knows love. It only knows how to be compassionate and not take things personally and it only knows how to have faith and not make assumptions.

Our ego creates worst case scenarios and it lives in the past and the future. It lets go of nothing and controls everything.

Our soul is infinitely patient. It trusts its process completely. It loves so much that it doesn't suffer. It accepts everything as being for higher good. No regrets, no mistakes, just acceptance of what is. Trust, faith, patients.

Time is a concept which the ego identifies with. Patients doesn't belong to the ego. The twin flame journey is not about the how. It is about letting go of the how. Complete and total surrender, constant surrender. Let go of the how, let go of the suffering. Be present in the moment and love it for all that it is.

Timing kills our buzz, along with attachment to outcome. We want to be in union with our twin and we want that fast. We do all the work to be in union. We do the work for them? NO! We must do the work for us! 

The timing is not important! So learn to just go with the flow and live your life with absolute and complete divine guidance. Let go of the how!!

So what if it takes ten years to be in union or fifty years? Time is just a number. If when you get to union you are so free inside of yourself and totally engulfed in source energy and all that you emit is love and you are one of the brightest lights to the world, that is worth it surely? Not the union? The union is the icing on the cake?! Yes?!

It really is all about love. Pure unconditional love. The only way that we can truly access this is by releasing all of our old paradigms around love. We need to release all parts of ourselves which are needy and small and anything less than pure all encompassing source energy love.

We are all love at our core. We are all perfect beings of light. We are all so magnificent. We don't need to have needs fulfilled by our twins. We need to release beliefs that we are unlovable or unwanted or that we are never going to be loved. No matter what template this life gave you, it can be changed!!

It is only a small ego that attaches to wanting to be loved or wanted in a specific way by another. Your heart needs to be pure and the Universe with provide you with this love from within. Ask for this so that you can stop suffering and believing that it needs to come from an outside source. Ask for the Universe to show you that you are not separate from love and that it is your source and that this source is infinite. And that this infinite source is within you and it overflows from you and touches every being on this planet!

You are a twin flame. You are a being of infinite love and light. You are here to heal the world by laying new templates and breaking through barriers that keep humanity small and stuck in a lower consciousness.

Free yourself! Challenge your ego and don't stop until you break through. 

You can love your twin and not be with them in 3D. You can love yourself so much that you can let go of absolutely EVERYTHING that causes you suffering!! You just have to be willing to look within to find the source. Nothing comes from outside of us.

We only react to wounds that are already within us. Our twins have given us the biggest gifts in the world by being the catalysts to the deepest healing imaginable within ourselves. They only point the way to our healing. It is not personal ever. Their dysfunction is only there to trigger our deepest healing and vice versa. No other relationship on the planet can do this like twin flames. We are here to raise above the ego. 

We suffer because we are stuck in our ego. We blame because we are not taking responsibility. Ask for divine help and guidance. We have not been thrown into this journey alone. We have divine support, we just need to ask and a way will be shown to us to heal. 

Let go of the how and trust the process that the divine gives to you. Let go of your ideals of perfection. Embrace the pain, honor the pain, accept the pain if that is how it is shown. Just trust your journey and love yourself.

Sending all infinite love and peace in your soul!

Twin Flame Healing
**To Book an Energy Healing Session or Twin Flame Self Mastery Coaching session please email me @ 

or find me on facebook and instagram @ twinflamehealing1111