"Energetic union was my secret to achieve complete harmony on my twin flame journey."
I truly struggled with complete surrender on this journey. It took me a year and a half and absolute desperation to eventually just let go.
I had patches where I got it and I was totally ok with the connection but then my ego kept over riding the peace and I landed up in the same loop. My loop was trying obsessively to disconnect from my twin soul.
The tricky thing about a twin flame connection is that it has different dynamics. 1 is the physical relationship and contact (or non contact) and 2 is the ongoing, always there, never leaving you energetic connection (well this was my experience)
I had patches where I got it and I was totally ok with the connection but then my ego kept over riding the peace and I landed up in the same loop. My loop was trying obsessively to disconnect from my twin soul.
The tricky thing about a twin flame connection is that it has different dynamics. 1 is the physical relationship and contact (or non contact) and 2 is the ongoing, always there, never leaving you energetic connection (well this was my experience)
I am blessed with amazing angels and they are always guiding me to serve my higher good. The truth is that we all have amazing angels serving our higher good. I can't say that I am always very fast in acting on the guidance, sometimes I need to exhaust myself with my own stubbornness before I listen. ðð But when I eventually did listen in the case of my twin flame struggle it was a game changer! I got myself back!
I was guided for a while to look at the 5D relationship of twin flames. The 5D relationship as I understand it is essentially the energetic connection viewed and understood from a higher level of consciousness. A 5D relationship is energetic union and energetic healing between twin flames.
The energetic connection is the one where they are always in your mind and in your dreams and in your thoughts and in your meditation and in your heart and you can feel them and they are up your nose and in your porridge ððĪĢ
Energetic union is when illusion of separation falls away and you merge energetically allowing the energies to become one. (this was no easy feat for me to get my head around)
Energetic union is when illusion of separation falls away and you merge energetically allowing the energies to become one. (this was no easy feat for me to get my head around)
I saw that I had two ways of dealing with this energetic connection. 1) Push it away, fight with my twin in my mind exhausingly and consistently, force the connection to disconnect and keep running in a very exhausting loop (which is what I was doing and getting nowhere) . or 2) Surrender and accept the energetic connection. (in this surrender and acceptance it opened me up to learning very, very deep spiritual truths and gave me beautiful soul gifts)
Option one definitely made more sense because it is totally insane to have a relationship with someone in your head?!?! Option 2 went against every fibre of my being because not only was I bat shit crazy to indulge a relationship in my head but this person wanted nothing to do with me in my physical reality, so why would I entertain the thought of them being allowed live in my mind, heart and energy field?
The ego can fight hard. Fear can over ride all common sense and creates a logic of its own. A really tough reality was formed where I was stuck completely in love with my twin but completely unwilling to face it or admit it or submit to it because I didn't have him in my life.
My ego had me in a blind loop because I was stuck in constant illusion of separation. From one day to the next I would swing between being ok with everything and being totally freaked out by everything and trying to control it.
I had been seeing the connection completely wrong. I have been seeing that I can't be in love with my twin in 3D because he doesn't love me and doesn't want me in his life.
I had been seeing the energetic connection as an extension of the 3D understanding of all relationships. Not seeing that twin flames can't disconnect and the love I felt was never going to change or go away. I had been trying to tackle a very heart thing in a very head way.
I had been seeing the energetic connection as an extension of the 3D understanding of all relationships. Not seeing that twin flames can't disconnect and the love I felt was never going to change or go away. I had been trying to tackle a very heart thing in a very head way.
I had been rejecting and fighting the energetic connection based on the physical reality I was facing with him. And I got nowhere, because my journey was to reach energetic union with my twin all along.
This was a very weird thing to absorb, because essentially what it meant to my logic and head is that I was in love with a person in my mind and that I had to give myself full permission to be in love with him. To talk to him, to do healing for the energy between us and to completely feel ok that this was a safe, sane thing to do.... ðĪððĒðŽðģðĪŠðĪðĪŪ
I had done a lot of the twin flame work. I was living my soul purpose. I fully understood self love. I was fully independent and life was and still is abundantly good for me. I am not lacking in any department. I am happy and I love my life. I am a strong independent woman. And life just keeps getting better.
So my question had been to my angels, what am I missing?!?! Why does my twin flame connection freak me out so much. Why do I always get in a loop of trying to disconnect from him and always land up in the same place?
So my question had been to my angels, what am I missing?!?! Why does my twin flame connection freak me out so much. Why do I always get in a loop of trying to disconnect from him and always land up in the same place?
They always told me the same thing... "surrender, it is what it is."
My ego had always believed that I am not safe to love my twin in any way, shape or form. He is pain for me and I need to run far away from him and the connection. Then my soul would scream for me to contact him and I was convinced that it was my ego, so I'd fight it until I couldn't anymore and then I would contact him and I would be in touch for a bit and then I'd run away again when I felt like he'd had enough of me. My ego told me to just forget him and get over this nonsense. I had tried so hard to get over this nonsense.
Now the funny thing is that in order for me to get over this nonsense I had to fully submit to the connection in what felt to be in my imagination.
I was so scared to do this because I felt really crazy. Like a sandwich short of a picnic crazy.
But I gave in and I tested the 5D/energetic union theory (I had a channeled a healing over months not knowing that it was for this) and my kundalini energy started going bonkers. I spoke to him energetically and I fully embraced the connection in 5D, out of duality.
I did healing for the energy between us and my ego was left with nothing to fight, because it saw that I was only fighting my fear and logic and need to control and essentially I was only fighting myself.
But I gave in and I tested the 5D/energetic union theory (I had a channeled a healing over months not knowing that it was for this) and my kundalini energy started going bonkers. I spoke to him energetically and I fully embraced the connection in 5D, out of duality.
I did healing for the energy between us and my ego was left with nothing to fight, because it saw that I was only fighting my fear and logic and need to control and essentially I was only fighting myself.
I saw that I was lying about my connection to myself because I was refusing to acknowledge the depth of the connection that we share. I wanted to make it disappear and it to be nothing rather than the very weird and wonderful thing that it is.
Some twin flames are energetic twins, not physical ones and some are both. If I am honest I have had the energy of someone with me as far back as I can remember. After meeting my twin, I realized that it was him. Even with this knowing I still chose to reject and ignore the energetic connection. ðððĪĢððĪ
I know that I needed to experience this journey exactly as I have, because I am where I am right now because of all I have gone through. I needed all the discomfort and the constant nag of him in me to really push me as deeply into myself as possible. I needed to investigate all options to disconnect energetically. I needed a days relief here and there to believe that I was disconnecting and then for him to come back with a vengeance.
The deepest understanding I have got of the healing of the energy between twin flames was when I accepted and surrendered and then started healing this energy.
This healing I channeled is not for me, it is a gift from the universe to help all twin flames come to energetic union.
I have gone through a process with it, I first noticed my kundalini awaken again and my sexual energy ignight. Then I noticed how I observed the relationship between my twin and I and how much I felt like none of it was actually what I wanted or good for me, (I mean the physical relationship, not the spiritual one).
It was the first time I was able to view it from a healthy perspective for myself and from a space of absolute self love. I was not obsessively trying to disconnect from him because I was able to see the bigger picture and understand my own behaviour and needing to go through things the way I did.
I noticed initially he was very strong in me, talking to me, sharing with me and really being close to me. He was joking with me and just loving and appreciating me. (All in my own head of course)
Then the Universe decided to give me an indication that this 5D Union Healing was working and in less than 48 hours of doing the first healing, I got a literal text from him. He NEVER messages me out of nowhere. Then a few days later he completely disappeared, I was a bit hurt, but I allowed myself to feel and still didn't have the obsessive need to disconnect because he was showing me that he doesn't want me in his life. Instead I shared a really lovely article with him and when he didn't reply or acknowledge it, I felt good not hurt or offended.
Then the best part of the healing started kicking in....distance between him and I energetically. I have become more and more able to just be me, with no him dominating my thoughts. I feel free. I thought that I was going to have to live with him in my head so strongly forever. I had been preparing myself to just enjoy it because nothing was ever going to change it and then poof, I was free.
I do still think of him, but with almost zero intensity or charge. He is feeling just like any other person in my mind, except he is there daily still. This is seriously the biggest gift that could ever have been given to me. I am fully present in my life again. It took me 18 months to get here. It was one hell of a journey to that point.
The way I see it is that we cant get true peace and harmony on this journey until we fully heal energetically
When the Feminine energy merges energetically it brings her energy back to herself and she is completely free of the burden of the journey. The journey moves from lack to abundance, from fear to love, and from being a burden to being easy and a joy.
I have had to use this healing often It has become a tool as it is not a once off magic pill. It is a process. I even did it for 30 consecutive days after a few months (this was really powerful for me!!)
If you would like to explore this energetic union with your TF I am offering various packages and options to work with me. Please email me if you are interested my email address is twinflamehealing11@gmail.com
I offer telephonic guidance sessions, remote energy healing sessions between you and your twin flame based on the channeled healing and twin flame soul readings. With every healing I do for you I give you the pdfs of the energetic union healing to you for free so that you can do it for yourself as often as you feel you need to.
Sending you so much love
Twin Flame Healing
I know that I needed to experience this journey exactly as I have, because I am where I am right now because of all I have gone through. I needed all the discomfort and the constant nag of him in me to really push me as deeply into myself as possible. I needed to investigate all options to disconnect energetically. I needed a days relief here and there to believe that I was disconnecting and then for him to come back with a vengeance.
The deepest understanding I have got of the healing of the energy between twin flames was when I accepted and surrendered and then started healing this energy.
This healing I channeled is not for me, it is a gift from the universe to help all twin flames come to energetic union.
I have gone through a process with it, I first noticed my kundalini awaken again and my sexual energy ignight. Then I noticed how I observed the relationship between my twin and I and how much I felt like none of it was actually what I wanted or good for me, (I mean the physical relationship, not the spiritual one).
It was the first time I was able to view it from a healthy perspective for myself and from a space of absolute self love. I was not obsessively trying to disconnect from him because I was able to see the bigger picture and understand my own behaviour and needing to go through things the way I did.
I noticed initially he was very strong in me, talking to me, sharing with me and really being close to me. He was joking with me and just loving and appreciating me. (All in my own head of course)
Then the Universe decided to give me an indication that this 5D Union Healing was working and in less than 48 hours of doing the first healing, I got a literal text from him. He NEVER messages me out of nowhere. Then a few days later he completely disappeared, I was a bit hurt, but I allowed myself to feel and still didn't have the obsessive need to disconnect because he was showing me that he doesn't want me in his life. Instead I shared a really lovely article with him and when he didn't reply or acknowledge it, I felt good not hurt or offended.
Then the best part of the healing started kicking in....distance between him and I energetically. I have become more and more able to just be me, with no him dominating my thoughts. I feel free. I thought that I was going to have to live with him in my head so strongly forever. I had been preparing myself to just enjoy it because nothing was ever going to change it and then poof, I was free.
I do still think of him, but with almost zero intensity or charge. He is feeling just like any other person in my mind, except he is there daily still. This is seriously the biggest gift that could ever have been given to me. I am fully present in my life again. It took me 18 months to get here. It was one hell of a journey to that point.
The way I see it is that we cant get true peace and harmony on this journey until we fully heal energetically
When the Feminine energy merges energetically it brings her energy back to herself and she is completely free of the burden of the journey. The journey moves from lack to abundance, from fear to love, and from being a burden to being easy and a joy.
I have had to use this healing often It has become a tool as it is not a once off magic pill. It is a process. I even did it for 30 consecutive days after a few months (this was really powerful for me!!)
If you would like to explore this energetic union with your TF I am offering various packages and options to work with me. Please email me if you are interested my email address is twinflamehealing11@gmail.com
I offer telephonic guidance sessions, remote energy healing sessions between you and your twin flame based on the channeled healing and twin flame soul readings. With every healing I do for you I give you the pdfs of the energetic union healing to you for free so that you can do it for yourself as often as you feel you need to.
Sending you so much love
Twin Flame Healing