I have been guided to start a Q & A section to my blog so that you can ask me for guidance where you are feeling stuck on your journey.
I give guidance based on personal responsibility, soul healing, self mastery and self love but of course with my understanding of the TF experience.
Question 1:
I have reunited and separated several times from my twin, and this last time that we reunited everything was working out better than ever, also I realised how much progress he had made. But then we went into separation about a month ago because he stopped communicating and eventually ghosting me and ignoring my texts. Around this time I started realising how much healing I had to do, but at that point in time I didn't actually link it to my twin flame journey, I was just wondering how or why these things from the past started surfacing out of nowhere, like why now? So I started doing several things in order to heal and I had never seen twin flame readings and I started seeing the videos etc and a lot of them resonated with me but also talk about reunion in the near future. I saw him yesterday at a party and I approached him to say hi. He was nice to me and all but I thought his reaction would be better and that moment I just felt really confused. But then I felt really sad and have been feeling really sad since but somehow I don't feel as if that emotion is from me. Could it be that that is what he feels about our encounter and that I am catching on his energy? Like him knowing he could have done more when we saw each other?
I always advise people to avoid forecasts and predictions of union because this causes a lot of disappointment and suffering within when you keep holding on to the expectation that you will be together again. Every TF couple is unique and as much as there is a collective energy to all things, it is very important to embark on your TF journey as you are experiencing it, because therein lies your healing and soul gifts from the experience. If you and your TF are in separation in your physical reality it is because this is your soul contract and you need to tackle the experience this way. Make it about yourself and your healing, and make the healing about you being whole, not so that you can be in union with your TF, you want to be in union with yourself and when you are then it will make no difference to you if you are physically with your TF or not. Then with regards to you feeling your TF's emotion, yes this is possible, but not necessarily for the reasons that you think or maybe it is for the reasons you felt, but in truth the reason for his sadness doesn't matter, it is something that he needs to sit with and release and heal. The TF experience, if real and true, is experienced by both people, this means that both people are activated for healing and spiritual awakening. Both people are then going through the motions and it is uncomfortable for both of them. We as human beings are very quick to assume that if someone chooses not to be with us that it is because they don't want us and have walked away and lived happily ever after but this is never the case. A TF is processing and dealing with what life is throwing their way just as much as you are. They have to face them self, just like you have to face yourself in order awaken and heal. TF's do feel each other through all time and space and this is only because there is no separation, but we have to learn how to navigate the energetic connection so that you are strong within yourself and then eventually able to hold space for your TF.
Question 2:
I want to ask about union and how much importance it holds for the world in itself and the purpose of it. I have had an amazing physical relationship with my twin but it clogged up out path to personal growth. From my understanding union is when both people decide they will work either together or apart on the purpose. If we don't come to this agreement, then what would be the purpose of a twin flame at all.
The purpose of a TF is to awaken you and for you to awaken them for you both to experience spiritual ascension. In order to ascend you need to heal and therefore the TF experience gives you the deepest healing to your being. You healing is your purpose and as you heal your heart will be opened up to be of service to others. TF's can serve the world and fulfill their purpose individually, they don't need to be in physical union to do this. TF's are lightworkers with or without being in each others lives physically. TF's are energetically connected always, meaning there is no separation between them and when they reach energetic union they don't feel like they are without each other ever. Spiritual healing is about becoming the change you want to see in the world and just by being you you shine your light and you are making a difference through example. True lightworkers are all equally powerful, there are none more special than others, they all serve the greater good and TF's are no more powerful lightworkers than others. Just as with all people there are many people going through the TF experience who are still very much in their ego and are attaching to labels and ideas with keep them separate from the whole. Choosing a TF experience is only an experience and it a wonderful gift of healing to each others souls. The experience should unite all because of the soul lessons the journey gives the individuals.
If you feel like you are in need of some guidance on your journey, please email me or leave your questions in the comments below.
Sending you so much love
Twin Flame Healing
If you would like to work with me, I am an energy healer and do specific healings for TF energetic union as well as general healings and clearings, I also offer guidance sessions where we can talk and you can share your experience with me. To book a session please email me twinflamehealing11@gmail.com
You can find me on facebook, Instagram and Youtube: twinflamehealing1111
If you feel that my guidance if helpful to you and your journey I welcome and appreciate all donations, even $1 helps me to be able to keep serving you. There is a "buy me a juice" button which is for donations. Thank you in advance to all who feel guided to contribute.